Call for Papers
The Editorial Board of MORFISMOS calls for papers on mathematics and related areas to be submitted for publication in this journal under the following guidelines:
- Manuscripts should fit in one of the following three categories:
- (a) papers covering the graduate work of a student,
- (b) contributed papers, and
- (c) invited papers by leading scientists.
Each paper published in MORFISMOS will be posted with an indication of which of these three categories the paper belongs to.
Papers in category (a) might be written in Spanish; all other papers proposed for publication in MORFISMOS shall be written in English, except those for which the Editoral Board decides to publish in another language.
- All received manuscripts will be refereed by specialists.
- In the case of papers covering the graduate work of a student, the author should provide the supervisor’s name and affiliation, date of completion of the degree, and institution granting it.
- Authors may retrieve the LATEX macros used for MORFISMOS. The use by authors of these macros helps for an expeditious production process of accepted papers.
- All illustrations must be of professional quality.
- Authors will receive the pdf file of their published paper.
- Manuscripts submitted for publication in MORFISMOS should be sent to