Volume 05 (2001) No. 1
Volume 05 (2001) No. 1 
Geometry and dynamics of the residue theorem
Jesús Muciño-Raymundo and Carlos Valero-Valdés
Using singular flat metrics associated to meromorphic differential forms on Riemann surfaces, a converse of the classical residue theorem is due. Also a dynamical interpretation of residues using real geodesic flows is given.
The equations of the cone associated to the Rees algebra of the ideal of square-free $k$-products
Adrián Alcántar
In this paper we determine the equations of the polyhedral cone generated by the exponent vectors of the monomials defining the Rees algebra of the ideal generated by the square-free monomials of degree $k$ in $n$ variables. Some applications are presented to show the relevance of the computation of these equations.
Algebra generada por la proyeccióon de Bergman y operadores de multiplicación por funciones continuas a trozos
Maribel Loaiza Leyva
Sea $D = \{z \in \mathbb{C} | \; |z| < 1\}$ y $\mathcal{L}$ una colección finita de curvas suaves en $D$. Se estudia el álgebra $\mathcal{R}$ generada por la proyección de Bergman de $D$ y los operadores de multiplicación por funciones continuas en $D \setminus \mathcal{L}$. Se considera el caso en que en un punto $z_0 \in \partial D$ convergen dos o más curvas de $\mathcal{L}$ y se describe el álgebra de Calkin de $\mathcal{R}$ .
Existence of optimal strategies for zero-sum stochastic games with discounted payoff
Francisco Ramírez-Reyes
This work deals with zero-sum stochastic games with Borel state and action spaces, and unbounded payoff function. We consider finite-horizon as well as infinite-horizon discounted problems. Our main purpose is to give conditions for the existence of the game value and for the existence of optimal strategies for both players. The infinite-horizon case is analyzed using the approach of successive approximations.